Saturday, March 28, 2009

Intresting facts about animals

  • The Red Blood Cells (RBC) of camel is oval shaped.

  • Sailfish is the fastest fish and can reach a top speed of 110 km/h (68 mph).

  • The eyes of ostrich are bigger than their brains.

  • Peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal in the world. It can reach speeds over 322 km/h (200 mph).

  • The heaviest living flying animal is the great bustard at 21 kg.

  • Andean condor and the marabou stork have the largest wingspan at 3.2 m.

  • No two zebras have the same striped pattern.

  • The smallest flying vertebrates are the bee hummingbird and the bumblebee bat, both of which may weigh less than 2 g.

  • Tigers have striped skin not just striped fur.

  • Elephant is the only animal that can't jump.

  • The slowest flying non-hovering bird recorded is the American woodcock, at 8 km/h.

  • Bar-tailed Godwits makes the longest non-stop flight known for any bird, flying 11,000 km from Alaska to New Zealand.

  • The longest-distance migration of any bird is Arctic Tern.

  • Cockroaches can survive without air for 45 minutes. They can also survive being submerged underwater for 30 minutes.

  • Emus and kangaroos cannot walk backwards.

  • The largest species of crocodile is the saltwater crocodile. Crocodiles cannot stick its tongue out.

  • Polar bears are left handed.

  • Hummingbirds are the only group of birds that can fly backwards.

  • Dolphins sleep with one eye opened.

  • The tongues of chameleons are as long as it's body or even longer.

  • Ant's can lift fifty times of it's own weight.

  • A Woodpecker can peck 20 times per second. The air pockets in their skull protect them from headaches.

  • The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 360 degrees.

  • Butterflies tast sensors are in their feet. They taste their food by standing on it.

  • The strongest animal in the world is the rhinoceros beetle. It can lift 850 times its own weight.

  • The slowest mammal on earth is the tree sloth. It only moves at a speed of 6 feet (1.83 meters) per minute.

  • Approximately 50 percent of all orangutans have fractured bones, a result of falling off of trees on a regular basis.

  • The heart of blue whale is the size of a small car.

  • Giraffes and humans have the same number of bones in their necks: seven.

  • Frogs cannot vomit. Whenever a frog absolutely has to vomit, it vomits its entire stomach.

  • The water spider lives underwater but breathes air by using its web to create an underwater sac that stores air bubbles.